Nutella Cake Recipe

May 27, 2013 at 2:18 pm (Food Love Affair, hOt mama) (, , , , )

Hi peeps.

I found this recipe for nutella cake … (think it is taken from Nigella lawson’s How To Be A Domestic Goddess Book) and decided to try it out. it seems like a fool proof recipe. What do you know, it turned out great and delicious.. (seriously guys..nothing can go wrong when nutella is involved)

  • 6 eggs (separate the yolk from the white)
  • pinch of salt
  • 125 gram soft unsalted butter
  • 600 gram nutella
  • 1 table spoon water
  • 100 gram ground hazelnut
  • 100 gram dark cooking chocolate

How to

  • Toast the hazelnut in a dry frying pan until it is golden brown. Let it cool off completely
  • Grind the toasted hazelnut
  • Melt the dark cooking chocolate using the double boiling heat. let it cool off
  • Greased a 9 inch cake tin
  • Preheat oven to 180 degrees
  • In a bowl, whish the egg whites and salt until stiff (not dry)
  • In another bowl, beat butter and 400 gram of nutella. Then, add the 1 table spoon water, egg yolk and the grounded hazelnut
  • Mix the melted cooking chocolate with the mixture of egg whites. Then gently put in the mixture in the nutella mixture bowl 1/3 at a time
  • Pour in the tin and bake it for 40 minutes or until the cake beginning to come away at the sides
  • 20130527-221327.jpg

  • Let it cool off before you take out the cake from the tin. It might be a little bit difficult since it is a very moist cake. (expect your cake to colapse a bit)
  • Put the rest of nutella as the icing. ( you can opt for chocolate icing as per the original recipe but I am lazy and what can I say..I love my nutella) ๐Ÿ™‚

And…wallaaah… nutella cake! It doesn’t look that grand but it is delicious ๐Ÿ™‚ I brought 3/4 of the cake to the office and they finished it before noon! The nutella might be a bit pricey but you won’t regret it

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Self ranting..err.. I mean..therapy..

May 26, 2013 at 11:00 am (life) (, , )’s the deal…there are so much thing going on in my head. I need to let it out and rant it somewhere.. Not sure whether this situation is my mind (take note..this is not my brain..only my mind) is just working overtime and being super productive with thoughts about everything under the sun or I am changing to be the person who is not satisfied and complaining about everything.. (god ..i hope not)..

  • I am in the process of trying to be a better person (and doing more research about it) because when I do it, I want it to be whole hearted and not half hearted like most of the people i see just for the sake of trend.
  • Haven’t told anyone about this but it is sometimes frustrating because I don’t get the support and the guidance from those that suppose to give it to me.
  • My data plan is f**king slow these days.
  • I need direction .. do not take for granted of your comes with responsibility.
  • Hate it when people ignore me or listen to me half heartedly. If you are not interested with my topics, just say so so that I can shut up or change topic and find someone else who will listen to me.
  • Sometimes I hate it the fact that I can ( is CAN) survive alone..which is kinda scary because being this independent..people will take you for granted
  • I hate when 2 lovebirds is communicating in social media..with each other…. +_+ Come on guys.. you live with each other. For the love of god just talk face to face.
  • Stop pestering me about having another baby. Kalau ada..ada la..kalau takde..maybe ada hikmahnya.
  • I am tired of seeing girls nowadays walking around like plastic..Do you know what I mean? all fake. Those heavy make ups, colored or large contact lense, fake eyelashes,push up bras and god knows what else is fake. I am imagining, if you remove everything that is fake and just be yourself, I think your boyfriend/partner won’t even recognize you (not sure for the better or worst) ๐Ÿ˜› It is good to see girls who’s confident in her own body and skin sometimes ๐Ÿ™‚
  • It sucks when people will ignore you or give you less attention when someone with higher priority comes along.
  • I want to eat the delicious Chili’s chicken for ages..But nobody wanna go with me.. +_+
  • I need to go on a holiday for goodness sake!!! It’s been long overdue..
  • I need to get in touch with my spontaneous side again.. I think I am becoming more and more serious and by the book…which translates to …BORING…

…I think that is all for now..**blank** i think it’s working…..**blank***

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Walk like a platypus

May 22, 2013 at 2:58 pm (hOt mama, life, work)

After the longest time wearing heels, i wore my flats to work today.
I swore most of the time when walking today i felt like a platypus :p
Note : I hate it when people ask me why i am wearing heels because i am tall enuff already (i’m 5′ 7″ btw). Weh sukati aku laa nak pakai heels ke flat ke..bukan salah aku yg depa tu pendek.. Dongak je la kalau susah sgt #luahanperasaan

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Malu kali keduaaaa….

May 19, 2013 at 12:48 pm (life) (, )

Some of you might remember my embarassing moment when I accidentally went to the wrong car. (Read about my first embarassing incident with my car here).

Well.. let me add another story to that.. +_+

Last Thursday, I went to USJ 10 to run an errand. Everything went ok. Got a nice parking spot, went to settle my errands, and then went back to my car to go back home. Upon arriving to my car, I clicked my car’s remote and ..wth’s not working.. I figured there might be one of my doors that is not properly shut. So I went to the passanger side, and..wth again man..there is a scratch and a dent at the door.. f**k i thought..somebody must have hit my car went they are going out from the parking beside me. I went back to the driver’s side and tried opening the door to see if it is not shut properly. Hmm..still can’t open.. +_+ getting frustrated here. Then I notice a couple of small scratches along side the driver’s door and back door..shit!! could it be my belt that left the marks? I was getting pissed. But somehow there is an inside voice in my head that said to me.. “Check the car’s plate number idiot!” and so I went at the back of the car..

It was somebody else’s car…. ya rabbi….rasa macam nak sorok muka belakang tayar kereta je..I did not even look around to see if anybody was watching (it happened in brought daylight if I may add :P). My car was parked a few spots ahead of the initial car I thought was mine. I’m sure if somebody saw me they would have thought I was trying to steal the car.. ๐Ÿ˜›

Second time!!!! second time this had happened. Need to do something to my car so that it would be different than other cars of its brand..pasang lampu funfair maybe? (still i think i would have gone to the wrong car)

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Happy Mother’s Day..It’s just around the corner

May 11, 2013 at 8:16 am (hOt mama, life) (, )

Mother’s day is just around the corner. It’s tomorrow to be exact.

I love celebrating mother’s day with my mom. I remember when i was little, maybe 7 or 8 years old, me and my sister bought the smallest johnsons & johnsons bottle with our pocket money (that is the only brand that we know at that time because we were using it). We would wrap 2 or 3 of the bottles consist of shampoo, lotions, baby oil in a package and give it to mama as a mother’s day gift. We would also make similar kind of gift to my arwah maklong (my mama’s older sister) as well cause she’s a mom and she took care of us as well ๐Ÿ™‚

Now we’re all grown up and I am a mother to zOey now, I tend to appreciate my mom more because I know how it feels like to be responsible to another human being. Being a mom, it is expected of you to :

  1. Put your children first above any of your needs
  2. Your children is your main priority
  3. Cook and care for your children
  4. Be responsible of whatever your child does
  5. Any mistakes or wrong doings of your child, people will say that it is the mother’s fault.
  6. Make sure your children have a good education
  7. Teach your children to be a good human being
  8. Be a counselor, nurse, friend, singer, painter, story teller etc to your children as and when needed.
  9. Be happyย and smile no matter how hard her dayย was when in front of her children
  10. <insert whatever else is missing>

My mom is all of the above and a lot more. Well, at least she tries to be the best she thatย could and she does all of these while being a working mom ๐Ÿ™‚ย  (oh..sorry for all the time I called you in the office when I was bored coming home from school. Yes I called her sometimes up to every hour just to ask what she is doing or what I’m doing at home with my grandparents) . And I respect and love her so much for that. If only I could be half of the motherย she is someday..

Happy mother’s day mama! I love you so much ((((hugs))))

Happy mother’s day to all the mothers out there. Keep loving your children with all your heart ๐Ÿ™‚


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I love my Loccitane outlet in Bangsar Village II (BV2)

May 11, 2013 at 7:33 am (hOt mama, stuff I bought) (, , , , )

sO…here’s the story…

I went to Loccitane…again! ๐Ÿ˜› dOn’t blame me..It’s their fault..they sent me this sms saying that in BV2 (i registered my membership there) is reopening after doing a one month renovation.

There is gifts for early bird, promotion, vouchers.

So being me..went there to see if there’s any good deal.

Not bad actually, immediately after i walked in the store, I took a lucky draw from the box and won this ๐Ÿ™‚


They also gave me couple of recycle bags as an early bird gift


Sadly, there was almond oil jumbo promotion but the stock is limited. By the time I went there, it was already sold out T_T boo hoo

But all is not lost! ๐Ÿ˜› there is other shower gel and shampoo promotion. Buy any 2 of the jumbo bottle (you can mix and match) and you get a Loccitane umbrella ๐Ÿ™‚ So I bought the repairing shampoo and conditioner since it is easier to use the jumbo bottle with a pump instead of pouring the shampoo with normal bottle

The price is RM269 and I got 5% membership discount from the amount:D

After paying, I am eligible to get RM20 voucher,2 mini bottle of shower gel & shampoo and the most adorable loccitane keychain. All I need to do is pose in front of the store with the stuff i bought and they took my picture. (forgot to ask them to share with me the picture +_+)


I’m a satisfied customer ๐Ÿ™‚

p/s: Loccitane is having Mother’s Day promotion on the 12th. Flash your membership card and say “I LOVE MY MUM” and get a free gift and RM10 voucher. HmMm..might just drop by tomorrow

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Malaysia’s 13th General Election? Just saying… :)

May 4, 2013 at 5:30 am (life) (, , )

There is a lot of heat going on due to the Malaysia’s 13th General Election. Everywhere you look, people are talking about the Election ; especially in the social media world. It is kinda frustrating to see how uncivilised most of ‘strong’ supporters of the parties bringing down the other parties.

I am not siding any parties ๐Ÿ™‚ this is purely my personal observation and opinion

When I see the manifesto of certain parties when they said if they win, they will give free this free that. Hey I am all for free stuff. But can our country afford giving everything free to the people without affecting our country’s fund? Some of it maybe can be materialized for example free tol or reduce tol rate because the cost of the highway construction have been compensate after long period of toll payment by the people. Maybe we can just pay for the maintenance cost.

But I also read certain parties are going to offer free studies for all?eliminate ptpn? wow..this is something else. Not only I am wondering how they are going to do this, but how is this going to affect the mentality of the students? You could see even now, uitm students (those that is only for Malays) are taking it for granted due to they think only because of their race, they can easily go in this institute (which is true) and they are taking this for granted.The quality of students that come out from it, sorry to say, it mostly rubbish. There are few of good ones but most of it… (sigh). Even if you look around and see the students, scholars or even with ptpn, they are cruising along their university days since all is paid for (even if it just LOAN and you have to pay back). They don’t appreciate the chance that has been given and taking everything for granted because they don’t have to work hard for it. Can you imagine if everything is free? how serious are they going to be in their studies when there is nothing to lose?

Looking at the campaign strategy. It sucks when everyone is talking bad about everyone because of this election. If looking at the social media (regardless whether what they say is true or not) it seems like all the candidates, no matter which parties you are, are either villain, corrupted or sex offenders..aiyoooo.. +_+

There are also some people who is not really convincing when they state their argument when they are expressing their
anger towards the other parties. I have these one friend, who’s father was an avid government supporters when he was young, and this friend told me that the wealth of the father comes from the projects or works that have given by the government. Now this friend is arguing that the recent government is corrupted and what not, but look at yourself friend. You don’t practice what you preach. You are still enjoying your father’s wealth and cruising through life with the money you claim is corrupted. Have you no shame? If you are rejecting all the money and living with your hard earn money to buy your car..your will make your argument more valid and i will have more respect towards you.

Whatever it is, people will really act differently when they have money and power. It is not a guarantee if we change the goverment, everything will be all peachy and fine. There will still be corruption and chronism no matter who rules. In my opinion, there won’t be any government in the world which is 100% clean. But we can always pray and hope towards that, either with the current or new government. It IS your choice anyway.

For me, I do not hope for free service and free everything. Malay privilege is not top priority for me (this could hurt the Malays if we keep giving everything so easily for them). I love that Malaysia is a multiracial country.

The only thing I hope from the new government is for a peaceful country for me and my children and future generation.

p/s: bimbo mode on : i love all the colorful campaign flags regardless the pretty~~ >.< wonder who is going to clean it all up afterwards :p

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