Memborong di Loccitane lagi

August 31, 2013 at 4:03 am (stuff I bought) (, , )

Rabu lepas went to Loccitane in bv2 for member’s day and to collect (and also spend) my voucher.

I got rm225 voucher to what else..i got myself the almond range.. 😉 got 2 bottles of jumbo almond oil..the smoothing lotion..almond everyday scrub and one almond hand lotion.
After spending more than 500, you get free miniature set and also a shiny loccitane thermos.
Being the early bird, they also gave me this chic loccitane umbrella!
Member’s day is happening nationwide until 1st september 🙂

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Have you ever tried Marine Collagen Seaweed?

August 22, 2013 at 6:04 am (Food Love Affair, hOt mama, life) (, , , )

Have you guys heard about Seaweed Marine Collagen? First learn and saw this thing is during a visit to my cousin’s house during raya celebration 2 weeks ago. Supposedly it is really good for your health and also beauty. So I tried some. my cousin just put it in the water for one night i think. It’s shaped like white vegetable…chewy but tasteless.

Seems like you can get these raw marine collagen in Sabah a lot (i really mean a lot) cheaper then in West Malaysia. Kebetulan my dad was there, So I asked him to buy few packets for me.

Sekali balik..sampai 6 paket besar dia belikan…tapi ni kaler lain skit..kaler hijau..yg masa i was white..yg my dad beli ni..kaler hijau..sekali pandang cam ganja pun ada..hahahhaa..
Camne cara penyediaan dia?

  • Basuh macam gaya basuh beras
  • Rendam semalaman or 8 hours (caution it will expand :P)
  • Rebus

Done! 🙂 the rebusan tu when kept in fridge will become like jelly. You can eat it just by itself (one spoon morning and night) – rasa agak pelik skit.. or lenyek2 kan dia and minum dgn air. Air sirap ka..sarsaparila ka..Air kosong pun boleh.. I like to drink with sarsaparila..rasa macam cincau pun ada.. hehehe..
Yg hampas hampas can asingkan and letak kat muka as face mask..letak kat kulit mana mana yg u nak tegangkan ke.. I put it as a face mask. Masa kering tu rasa tegang giler muka. After washing..rasa kulit fresh..sejuk..and lembut.. I think need to do it many times before the effects can be seen.
But the immediate result after trying this collagen for 2 days is, I have more energy and I can get up in the morning easily (not that easy but easier than usual) even though I slept late the night before.

Below I’m the other benefits of marine collagen for those who are interested to try this thing out :

-Adjust the weight and stabilize hormone
-Enhance immune system and body metabolism, firm up breasts, and buttocks muscles , hair and nails healthy:
-Strengthen the abdominal system
-Preserving thyroid glands – Iodine in it is said to improve the function of thyroid gland and to prevent diseases such as Goitre (swollen thyroid gland)
-Reducing premature aging such as wrinkles and sagging skin
-Reduces cellulite , improve blood circulation, reduce back pain and shoulder
-Strengthens bones and joints, arthritis and osteoporosis
-Increase of cartilage, ligaments and muscle
-Treating gout
-Prevent cancer/tumor
-Lowering high blood pressure
-Increase digestive function /digestion, treat gastric
-Treating anemia
-Lowering cholesterol levels in the body , absorb the excess salt in the body (paralysis) , smooth, tight, and smooth the skin
-Accelerate shrinkage and eliminate acne scars
-Stimulate the production of new skin cell, heal wounds
-Preserve the small intestine (prevent ) constipation
– Helps to treat gastritis.
– Acts as an antifungal and antibacterial
– Provide energy and strengthens the body
– Helps to stabilize blood sugar.

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PTPTN pay or not to pay?

August 21, 2013 at 1:24 am (life) (, , )

Now kecoh pasal PTPTN punya decision to put those who have yet to start their repayment to PTPTN in Central Credit Reference Information Systems (CCRIS). Basically once kalau nama dah listed dalam CCRIS ni, lagi susah nak dapat approval for loan keta and loan rumah. Rata rata aku tgk org kecoh pasal tak patut la PTPTN buat macamtu..tak berperikemanusiaan la..apa la..

Well. Let me share the facts first sbb rasa ramai yg dok kutuk decision PTPTN tanpa usul periksa ni.

– Since 1997, PTPTN has approved pinjaman untuk 2.17 million students.
– Out of 2.17 million ni..17k telah dikecualikan sbb graduate with first class honor. Bagi aku amount ni terlalu sikit..what happened to the rest? Kebanyakkan nye just average ataupun cukup cukup makan je..adakah student2 kita makin malas? makin bodoh?
– As of July, 418k orang belum even mula bayar lagi pun pinjaman mereka.
– Last year, PM kita siap announce 20% discount dekat sapa sapa yg boleh settlekan loan in full by September tahun ni
– Peminjam boleh tangguh pembayaran jika tidak masih belum bekerja atau full time study. (maksimum 2 tahun tangguhan)
– minimum pembayaran balik ialah RM50 ke 100 sebulan (kalau tak silap)

Pada pendapat aku..memang patut PTPTN masukkan diorang ni dalam list CCRIS ni..satu..PTPTN dah banyak sangat bagi muka kat diorang ni..bukan diorang ni je..MARA pun sama..basically semua yg bagi pinjaman kat student mmg facing the same problem. Macam peminta sedekah pulak nak kena merayu..kejar nak mintak bayar balik pinjaman.. Masa nak pinjam sikit punya beriya..nak bayar sangat la liat. Agaknya rata rata manusia mmg macam ni..Kira kalau nak buat comparison..korang bayangkan..kalau member ke family ke pinjam duit pun korang..masa pinjam manis btul mulut..lepas guna..buat dunno je..walaupun dah ada duit nak bayar balik..diorang akan buat buat lupa..yg bagi pinjam ni pulak macam yg lagi segan nak mintak diorang bayar..

Rata rata average yg tak bayar ni bukannya tak mampu sampai pakai compang camping semua..semua profesional..dah berjaya..dah bekerja tetap..Kalau yg betul betul cannot afford aku rasa boleh je diorang take into consideration to postpone the loan payment..tapi come onla..if you can spend hundreds on unnecessary laa..makan mewah la..baru keje pun tgk kereta semua tak nak kalah..semua hebat hebat..takkan nak bayar skit balik duit yg ko pinjam tu pun tak boleh? bukannya ko derma or bagi duit yg ko sendiri pinjam and guna untuk menimba ilmu.. Masa pinjam dulu dah tau dah terms and condition semua kan.. kalau laa mmg betul tak mampu ..(ni mmg kronik punya tak mampu nak bayar which is rare) kenapa korang tak try untuk dapatkan first class honor? ramai je aku tgk budak budak yg main main.. take for granted sbb duit dapat bulan bulan sepanjang waktu belajar..idup mewah…belajar lebih kurang cukup cukup makan je.. Kenapa ko tak simpan duit tu dari masa korang belajar? use only the necessary? why must waste on unnecessary things back then and also now?

Bila diorang announce nak masukkan dalam list CCRIS ni..ramai yg komplen..makin susah nak amik loan keta loan umah..mmg laaa! cuba pikir sikit..korang nak bayar PTPTN setakat 50-100 sebulan tu pun liat..nak amik loan umah loan keta boleh pulak nak bayar ratus ratus ribu ribu bulan bulan? Kalau mampu amik loan umah and keta..of course ko mampu nak bayar loan PTPTN kan? kan? Aku guna anology org pinjam duit kita la kira…Kalau org tu pinjam duit kat ko..untuk something yg penting..contoh sakit nak bayar ubat kat klinik..korang akan bagi kan..lepas tu dia tak bayar bayar walaupun boleh nampak dia ada duit ..idup agak mewah..then tetiba org tu datang lagi..nak pinjam duit nak beli perfume or baju..agak agak korang bagi tak? of course tak kan?

There will be people who will say ‘alaa kerajaan kan banyak duit’..tapi this is the promise you have made..untuk bayar balik..tak kisah la banyak duit ke apa..selagi diorang tak halalkan..mmg kena bayar balik kan? Takkan nak tunggu dah tua bangka kaya raya baru nak bayar balik loan? tu kalau sempat bayar..kalau yg dok lari tak nak bayar pastu mati..nyusahkan guarantor pulak nanti..Kalau diorang nak bayar..kalau pk la pas mati nanti camne nak bayar..Please don’t be selfish. If you can spend your money on unnecessary stuff, why can’t you pay the loan that you have used to study and get to where you are now? At least with your loan payment, korang boleh tolong future generations (yg hopefully tak liat bayar dan malas nak belajar) yg betul betul memerlukan pinjaman for their study.

Saya nak mintak maaf awal awal pada siapa siapa yg mungkin terasa dgn post saya ni..


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Register Haji through ATM Maybank

August 20, 2013 at 4:33 am (life) (, , , )

Ada account tabung haji..tapi susah nak pegi ke bank nak top up duit or even nak register tabung haji? Ada je cara senang nak buat benda tu..

Nak citer sikit..Saya baru je register account TH April lepas. Lepas tu..sebulan lepas tu plan nak top up..nak cukupkan duit dalam account so that saya boleh register terus untuk haji (di mana queue dia bertahun tahun lamanya :P.. so baik la register awal).. Di sebab saya register account dulu dekat Bank Islam..So saya tau dekat bank islam ada service to register haji. pegi la kat bank islam jumaat tghari..demmit! bank tutup tghari..semayang jumaat kot..takkan pompuan semua semayang jumaat.. +_+ buat penat drive pegi bank ..parking.. jalan..

Sebenarnya..after refering to pakcik Google..sebenarnya boleh je buat transaction through Maybank. Tak tau la dari bila..lama dah kot..aku je yg tak tau 😛 Maybank account boleh di link kan ke Tabung Haji account. Lepas link..dah boleh kluar masuk duit from Maybank to Tabung Haji. You can even do Cash Deposit beb.. Ouh..kalau transfer duit ke tabung haji akan dikenakan caj sebanyak RM1.

Nak lagi best…boleh je register haji dekat ATM of charge..tak yah susah susah nak pi tabung haji register :))

Basically the steps are as below

  • Must have Tabung Haji account (pre requisite)
  • Must have Maybank account and ATM card (pre requisite)
  • Go to Maybank ATM
  • Masuk kad cam biasa
  • Pilih Tabung Haji
  • Pilih Register Tabung Haji account to ATM card
  • Pastu korang letak la no account tabung haji korang
  • Lepas tu kena letak serial number pulak (saya suggest u all bawak je la buku tabung haji masa pi ATM kot kot tersalah masuk lak nanti)
  • After confirmation, akan kluar resit saying successful link to atm card 🙂

Pastu korang boleh la buat masukkan duit ke..register haji ke..tgk je menu menu service yang available kat situ.. 😉

Selamat men-register korang 😉

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Blook sale

August 10, 2013 at 3:32 pm (stuff I bought) (, , )

So smalam lepas kemas kemas my wardrobe..i was feeling a bit depressed since i gave away almost half of my clothes..So what’s a girl to do? I went shopping!!!

I went to subang parade this morning..went to my favorite clothes store Blook to see if there are anything worth buying..

What luck! Most of the item in the store is on sale 🙂 so i took few pants and blouse and tried it on. Normally i’m a size 8-10 or medium but the sales girl gave me a size xs. When i say to her..”kak kecik sgt ni kak mana muat” she replied “alaa dik..try je..selawat and sarung je” :p terdiam kejap aku..hahaha

In the end..i bought 2 tops and 4 pants :p total was rm318..but the girl said if the total is above 500..i can get the vip membership where i can get all items 10% off and 20% off on my bday month 🙂 so i bought rm150 voucher that can be used within the next 3 months and entitled to the vip membership discount! Yey!


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Happy Eid Mubarak 2013

August 10, 2013 at 2:41 pm (hOt mama, life) (, , )

Salam Aidilfitri/Happy Eid Mubarak from my humble self. Maaf zahir batin 🙂
So what do u guys did for this eid? Me? The same old same old.. :p Beraya with the non existence traffic in :p basically i am not surprised that i have lost 5kg in a month but gained 2kg in just 3 days +_+

My family and i played firecrackers and sparkles these last few nights because of zoey (sebenarna yg tua tua yg gian nak main) My sister bought this one big firework that suppose to come out pretty sparkles but we just assumed that it will be bigger since the size is also bigger. So last night we decided to light up that big firework. Because we did not know how big it will come out..we put it in the middle of the road away from all the cars and wires..

When we light it our is just like the usual stuff we we assumed maybe it is more expensive because it last longer..(and it did). So we came nearer to look at this fireworks when suddenly at the became like fireworks on steroids with all the sparkles coming out from all direction with machine gun like sound..lintang pukang semua lari beb! :p hahaha..haru btul.. Kesimpulan.. Jgn la main mercun yg size besar besar dan yg kita tak tau tabiat dia.. :p
Salam aidilfitri my lovelies 🙂

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Cleaning up my closet..

August 10, 2013 at 8:20 am (hOt mama, life) (, , )

Yesterday i finally managed to clean up my closet. Since wearing hijab..lots of my short dress and skirts are no longer wearable for me.. (that and also my mom keeps complaining for me to clean up my closet since my closet punya palang tu dah patah more than 3 times :p)
Well..after 4 hours of cleaning and sorting..i think i have gotten rid more than half of my clothes. Some of the clothes i have given to my niece.. (my heart does breaks a lil when giving away all of my fav dresses since all of them have their own memories attached to it). The rest of it i have donated them to charity..

End of the closet does looks kinda bear..but fret does give me reasons to do more shopping!!

For a girl who has just wore hijab for a month..i sure have a lot of scarfs..i just realized this yesterday when folding and hanging all of them.. :p

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Raya mood is delayed somewhere out there

August 6, 2013 at 7:45 am (life) (, )

Less than 2 days to Eid but i’m still not feeling the mood to celebrate.. +_+

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Why it’s good to pay zakat during Ramadhan month

August 5, 2013 at 7:02 am (life) (, , )

U all dah bayar zakat fitrah ke? Mesti ramai yg dah menunaikan tanggungjawab kan..

For me, selain dari zakat fitrah..every ramadhan, I will take the opportunity untuk membayar zakat zakat lain sama.. such as zakat simpanan and zakat saham (jika ada). Mesti some of you guys akan tanya..kenapa bayar in the middle of the year sedangkan kalau nak claim LHDN boleh je bayar end of the year..

Reason 1 :
Bayar zakat bulan ramadhan lebih pahala (kira dapat la bonus point :P)

Reason 2 : 
Tahun Islam adalah lebih pendek compared to Tahun Masihi. Kalau nak ikutkan, tahun Islam ada 354/355 hari sahaja berbanding dgn calendar biasa 365/366. And kalau kita bayar ikut calendar biasa..after how many years..kita akan termiss untuk bayar zakat untuk setahun tu (calendar islam).. So dulu  tak bila dah tau..nak senang ingat..saya bayar je masa bulan ramadhan..senang nak ingat 🙂

So..sapa sapa yg ada duit skrg..boleh la melaksanakan tanggungjawab anda untuk membayar zakat simpanan dan lain lain yg applicable..



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My inner thoughts..

August 4, 2013 at 6:18 pm (life) (, , )

Nearly a month after I have started wearing tudung/hijjab. I am getting more comfortable with the new ways of dressing up.

A lot of people asked me why do I started to wear hijjab..did i have a dream..a calling..or is it just for the ramadhan..Well..I really do not know how to answer that..I just smile and changed the my heart I just answered..why not? It is compulsary for us..and..I thought..why delay it any longer..if I keep waiting until I am fully ready..what if..i mean just what if..I die before that time.. +_+

I just want to share my experience during this transition. There has been a lot of positive comments. But there are also a lot of negative inner thought inside me (my guess that is the devil inside me trying to persuade me to give in). Just let me share one of them..

It is frustrating when after you cover up that you are no longer be the one that people stares at.  Yes. Honestly I do miss that. I do have a great body and when I dressed up during my old ways, I do always get that extra attention from the opposite gender. That is one of the main reason that God ask us women to cover avoid any unwanted attention…because.. you know are idiots..they will gawk at anything that is exposed to them..for free especially.. But you know what, after almost a month..I do get embarassed when I accidentally ter-exposed myself (kalau tudung terselak menampakkan anything that is not appropriate)..I do get uncomfortable nowadays.. (I am not judging those who is not yet covering up but this is what I experienced)

I also could not help partner who always prefer those who is free hair..since I was like that before this. ..Will he ignore me and go for that type sooner or later.. Maybe he said he liked my change just because it is the right thing to say..In a way it does effect my self confidence..

Most men are hyprocrites..they say they like someone who is covering up eventually but they will always give extra attention to women who are sexy and wearing revealing clothes which make those that covers up..well feel unwanted..and sometimes unattractive..

I don’t know.. I pray to God to give me strength to be strong..

I really appreciate those who have been supporting know who you are..whether if it is really sincere or just because it is the right thing to say or make me feel that I am not alone during this transition period..From the bottom of my heart I would like to say thank you and only God can repay your act of kindless.



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